The virus outbreak emerged in Wuhan, China, and has spread to half a dozen other countries, including Vietnam. Since then, there has been a huge increase in the number of cases and so far (February 14, 2020) has not shown signs of remission.
At Thygesen, we have taken measures to prevent and control Covid-19, and seriously implement isolation and self-isolation measures to ensure employee health protection in both Thygesen Representative Office in Hanoi, TSV Factory in Phu Tho, and Textile Factory in Hung Yen.
1. Cases of suspected signs of virus infection are isolated at home for 24 days under the Health Ministry’s recommendations.
2. Using disinfectant and antibacterial spray for the office and the whole working area.
3. Placing posters in public areas such as information boards, cafeterias, and corridors to widely disseminate information related to Covid-19 as follows:
– Recommendations of the Ministry of Health and WHO to prevent Covid-19
– Symptoms of nCoV infection
– Instructions on proper hand washing procedure
– Instructions on how to wear a medical mask properly
– 10 methods to protect yourselves from Coronavirus
4. Deploying hygiene and sterilization process for every employee before going to work in all 3 locations of TTV, TKV, TSV as follows:
Step 1: Measure body temperature
Step 2: Remove the mask that they are using
Step 3: Clean hands with alcohol rub sanitizers
Step 4: Wear new masks provided by the company
Step 5: Attend work
5. Having meals from individual trays instead of eating from shared plates: each employee has a separate food tray and a separate drink cup.
6. Providing medical masks and rubbing alcohol to customers, suppliers, and partners coming to work at the Hanoi office.
After the report of Ms. Doan Thi Thu Hien, General Director, on the situation of Coronavirus in Vietnam, the Chairman of the Board of Directors and members from Denmark sent 1,000 medical masks to Vietnam Thygesen Family.
Also, Thygesen voluntarily donated money and provided masks to remote, isolated, and infected areas.