Thygesen Vietnam’s employee training program - KPI Project

Thygesen’s employee training program: Introduction of the KPI Project

  • Author: Thygesen Author
  • Publish date: November 10, 2023

Aiming at professional manpower and customer satisfaction, Thygesen Textile Vietnam has a plan to carry out several employee training programs this year to enhance management, organization, and operational capacity and constantly improve productivity, product quality, and service delivery. One big project is building Key Performance Indicators and a 3P payroll system. This project is already started and continues until the end of 2018. After the Kick off on the 26th of July, a general introduction on this project to all the employees of the Company was conducted on August 11th, 2018.

The General Director delivered a speech and opened the Introduction

Thygesen Textile Vietnam’s employee training program: Introduction of the KPI Project

Introduction presented by a member of consulting firm

Thygesen Textile Vietnam’s employee training program

Question and Answer session

Thygesen - Introduction of the KPI Project
Thygesen Vietnam’s employee training program: Introduction of the KPI Project
Thygesen Vietnam’s employee training program

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